Pune: A 25-year-old techie working with Infosys was strangled with a computer cable at her office in Pune on Sunday. A security guard of the building was arrested this morning in Mumbai. The motive is not known yet. K Rasila Raju, a software engineer from Kerala, was found near her desk at her workstation on the ninth floor of the Infosys office in the Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park in Hinjewadi last night.
According to Police officer Vaishali Jadhav, "The incident might have taken place around 5 pm but we received a call around 8 pm".
Ms Raju had come to work on her day off for a project, and two of her teammates were online with her from the Bengaluru office. She had been working since 3 pm and had been in touch with her colleagues. In the evening, her supervisor in Bengaluru tried to call her but reportedly got no response. Around 10 pm, he called security and asked the guard to check on the engineer. "When the security guard went to see her, she was found unconscious near her workstation," Ms Jadhav said.
She was lying near her chair with a computer wire around her neck. Ms Raju's family has been informed about her death.
This is the second murder of a techie in Pune in two months. Last month, 23-year-old Antara Das, an employee of Capgemini, was chased and repeatedly stabbed barely half a km from her office. Her former colleague and friend, based in Bengaluru, was arrested for the murder.
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