Raees Box Office Collection: Shah Rukh Khan's film is expected to bring in around Rs 110 crores till Wednesday, following which Raees will witness a downhill journey. According to boxofficeindia.com, "The extended nine day week will be around 112 crore nett but the second week collections will not be good".
Raees Shah Rukh Khan's film could not wait beyond a week's run at the theatres to exceed the 100 crore mark. Raees released on Wednesday, a day ahead of Republic Day and recorded the highest footfalls on January 26 so far. Raees clashed with Hrithik Roshan's Kaabil when it released on January 25, and has continued to stay way ahead of Hrithik's crime thriller since Day 1. The gangster drama has made Rs 103.50 crores, including collection figures for day seven, reported boxofficeindia.com. Raees collected a sum of Rs 5.25 crores on Tuesday - which is however, the lowest amount SRK's film has recorded so far.
On the other side as per boxofficeindia.com, Kaabil is Rs 42 crores away from Raees with a score of Rs 61.50 crores. Team Raees celebrated box office crores with a party in Mumbai on Monday. As much as he is happy with the success of Raees, he said that Raees should not be compared to blockbusters like Aamir Khan's Dangal and Salman Khan's Sultan. "Why should we compare with only the last big hit, like Dangal and Sultan which are much bigger hits than perhaps this film can ever be. We know that. That comparison from outside, very good. From inside, we know the truth that there is a limit it will go to and if it reaches we will be happy," the 51-year-old actor told news agency PTI.
Shah Rukh Khan starring as liquor smuggler - Raees Alam, and also marks Pakistani actress Mahira Khan's Bollywood debut. Directed by Rahul Dholakia, Nawazuddin Siddiqui is cast as a cop in Raees. Sunny Leone steals the limelight in a song and Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub plays accomplice to Raees in the film.
Raees: Box Office Collection Day 8 crosses Rs 200 crore gross |
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